❖ Have a Christ-like attitude.
❖ Do not leave the facility at ANY time without permission of a staff member.
❖ No knives, firearms, or other weapons.
❖ Keep the shower area neat and clean at all times. (This is your home for the whole week!)
❖ Due to the number of campers we will have to limit showers to 5 minutes each.
❖ Each day you need to make your bed and have all of your belongings in a bag or a suitcase.
❖ DRESS CODE: For the evening services you will need to wear dresses, or nice slacks (ankle or mid-calf length), or skirts and a modest shirt. Other times you may wear KNEE LENGTH shorts or other modest, casual clothing (think church camp rules). When choosing your clothing, remember that we represent Christ in everything we do!
❖ No sneaking out!
❖ Once you arrive at the building, please park your cars and do not enter them again until camp is completed.
❖ Keep ALL trash picked up.
❖ Put your dishes away after eating.
❖ During Free Time, you will need to stay in the building unless you are with a staff member.
❖ Following “lights out” you must be quiet! (There are others trying to sleep; get your rest, you’ll need it!)
❖ Electronic devices are allowed during classes for research purposes. If you are seen texting/playing games during classes you will lose your device, and if you have inappropriate material on your device you will be asked to leave camp immediately. Your devices are to be used for study purposes only, no texting or phone calls will be allowed even during free time. There will be zero tolerance for violations of our electronics policies. Any camper violating these rules will immediately lose their device for the remainder of camp.
❖ This is a leadership camp. As such you are expected to follow the rules, and hold each other to the highest standards of Christ-like behavior. If a fellow camper is in violation of the rules and you do nothing to correct the situation, you will be held to the same consequences as your peer.
We are excited you are here! It is our prayer that this will be a week of tremendous growth; make the most of this opportunity!
“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be
blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the
midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine
as lights in the world”
- Philippians 2:14-15